Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wordless Wednesday July 30th
Link Up!
Obsessed with these! Trying to incorporate more of them into my room!
This is a great free site for QR Codes.
What do you use QR codes for in your classroom?

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday Made it July 28th: Clipart and a Freebie!
Link Up! Scroll down to find the FREEBIE!

But first! A quick photo from our mini-vacay! He is not a fan of mini-golf yet! Ha!
 Apparently, I got the Clip Art Bug this weekend! So all my Made Its are clipart related! I was crazy excited to finish these projects! The first 2 sets I created with inspiration from my son!
 This set I am going to use for many different things. I think they will be adorable on products for the directions and to put up around my classroom with rules and messages! Can't wait to print them out!
Last week on MMI, Smiling & Shining in Second had this great Desktop Organizer Tutorial. Now, why didn't I think of that! Check it out!
Here is what I came up with for my computer! Thought I would offer it as a Freebie if anyone else can use it! There is a blank template included so you can make the headings anything you want!
The one in the white rectangle is from my computer! Love it!
That's all for now, I am heading up to my classroom for a couple hours! Ahh.. the mess!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Five for Friday July 25th

It's time for Five for Friday again. These weeks are going so fast, I don't want summer to end!!

Monday I got to hang out with my best friend for awhile before school starts! Yay! I went up to visit her and we got lunch and did a little shopping. Love it!

I finally got myself to my classroom. Ugh. What a mess! Luckily, my mom came with me! She is a pro at covering bulletin boards!
 Almost done with this project! Can't wait to get this bathroom put back together!
 I started printing out new things to use in my classroom! Can't wait to write about how they work once school starts!
Today, I am headed down to the lake with my family. We have having a "mini-vacation" tomorrow near the dam! Sounds like go-carting, mini-golf, and shopping! Yay!
That's it for now!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Giveaway Winners!

Thanks for those of you who entered my Giveaway! For fun I chose 2 winners!
Amanda Clark
Cara Taylor!
Congratulations! Look for an email with your new Road Trip Supplies!

B2S Linky & Wordless Wednesday!

Pop over to Miss D's and Miss V's to link up!
Today's topic is Assessment.
I was trying to decide what type or part of assessment I wanted to write about. I decided on something that I would like some ideas about!
Fact Mastery
How do you assess mastery of facts?
(Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication)
At my school we are really trying to focus on mastery of facts. Last year, I taught 5th grade. It was really difficult teaching equivalent fractions to students who had never mastered their multiplication facts. Rough! So I am really going to hit multiplication hard this year in 3rd. I'm sure I will also have to go back to addition and subtraction. (Pet Peeve: Solving simple problems like 5+4 by counting on your fingers ah! Especially in 5th grade!)
Here is a list of some thing that I do with facts in my room already
- Timed tests
- Around the world/flashcards
- Interactive Notebook entries
- Problem Solving prompts
- Math calendar (Love this, I need to write a post about this awesome product)
- And I just purchased this Multiplication Incentive program which looks awesome. I am going to try it out this year!
So questions:
How do you teach fact mastery?
Do you use timed tests?
Do you have any simple tricks to get more fact practice in during the day?
How do you assess and how often their fact mastery?
I am also linking up for Wordless Wednesday!
This is what I walked into yesterday. WHOA, this is what moving looks like. Check back for updates on my classroom decoration and organization!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Two for Tuesday & Final Hours of Giveaway

Wow. What a day! I forgot to link up this morning and then spent some time up at school! What a mess! I'll post about that later!
Here are the 2 products I am putting up for 50% OFF today and tomorrow, since I am so late!
My new Computer Lab Word Wall! Its only $2! Easy to print in color or black and white. These are used in our schools computer lab so the kids can learn some technology words! It goes along with my Giant Keyboard Project.

Second, is my Sight Word Bundle, on sale for $5. These are so great for use in guided groups and for struggling readers. I plan to use all the sets in my 3rd grade classroom so I can reach struggling readers, on grade level, and above grade level readers.

There are a few hours left of my Giveaway. Click below to go to the post and enter! You can win my Road Trip Bundle!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Made It and my FIRST Giveaway!

 Love this! Join Tara and link up!

Scroll down to find the GIVEAWAY!
Whoa! This has been a busy week! I didn't have much going on this week so I threw myself into some projects! Some are not quite completed so I will post about those when I am finished!
 Now, I know this doesn't look like much. BUT trust it me it took us awhile to complete this! We dug out all the grass and weeds. Yikes! There were tons. Then restacking the rocks so that they fit correctly is like a puzzle! But I think we did a pretty good job. Now, I just need dirt and mulch!
 Next, when I was pregnant I REALLY got into crocheting. I mean like obsessed! I needed something to occupy my mind I guess! I think I ended up making my son like at least 10 newborn hats! Ha! My friend said it was a parade of hats because he could wear a new one everyday! Honestly, I think I changed his hat at least 5 times while we were in the hospital! He was just so cute!
Anyways, I decided to create my own Etsy shop of my crocheted items. I have been researching and getting ready all summer and I have finally done it! I'm so excited to share my hobby with others! If you haven't checked out Etsy you should! Here is my store!
And I FINALLY finished my Computer Lab Word Wall cards for TPT. I needed to make some changes from the ones I have in our computer lab! These are so cute. Check them out in my store!
Last, what you have been waiting for!
I've been wanting to do a giveaway for awhile because they look so fun! I love winning things so I thought you would too! Hopefully, I have set this up correctly! :) The giveaway is open until Wednesday!
 Here is what I am giving away! They are all part of my Road Trip Theme for my classroom! I am giving away my Road Trip Bundle and my New Book Places Classroom Decoration!